Ways to Save and Reduce your Power Bill

Electricity is of two kinds, positive and negative. The difference is, I presume, that one comes a little more expensive, but is more durable; the other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it. — Stephen Leacock
Save the Power, Save the Bill
As the days get shorter and the weather gets steadily colder, homeowners across the country will see their power bills increase dramatically. Heating and lighting your real estate investment through the late fall and winter can cost you thousands if you’re reckless. So don’t be! Here are a few steps you can take to help keep your heating and power bills to a minimum.
Pull the Plug
Did you know that even when a device or appliance is turned off it’s still drawing power? Things like televisions, home theater equipment and stereos actually run in “standby” mode when you leave them plugged in, and they can draw as much energy as a 100-watt light bulb.
Put your Computer to Sleep
Much like car engines, a computer uses more energy during startup and shutdown than it does when it’s left to continuously run in a low-power state. You shouldn’t just leave your computer on all the time. But you don’t have to shut it down when you step away and boot it back up and launch your applications when you need to use it again. Instead, just have your computer sleep or hibernate when you’re not using it.
Use Small Space Heaters
Small, portable space heaters can warm a bedroom in minutes, and when used wisely they can save you hundreds a month on your heating bill. Don’t crank up the thermostat every time your real estate investment gets a little chilly.
Upgrade your Windows
Do you have double-pane argon-filled windows in your home? If you don’t, they’re definitely worth considering. Not only will they save you 9.8 tons of heat annually, they’ll also boost your property value significantly.