Improve Real Estates Business with Social Media

“Social media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide you.” – Matt Goulart
Real Estates Business with Social Media
In addition to a sharp looking website, you need to be present on as many social media forums as possible. Here are four questions you should answer to improve your social media presence.
Why – Start with the most basic of marketing questions – why are you posting in the first place? Every time you make a post, you should have a clearly defined objective. This doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate some of your personality to your posts, but you need to draw the line. As great as social media can be for growing a business, it also works in reverse if you are not careful. Posting about a sporting or pop cultural event doesn’t do much to enhance your business.
When – A large majority of people only check social media in the morning, at lunch, or in the evening after the kids go to bed.
What – Writing up a quick post about a deal you went through may be somewhat interesting to you but what about the readers? You need to take a few minutes and think about what the content of your posts says about you. Making random posts about the weather won’t do much to generate interest in your real estate business.
To Whom
To Whom – Who is your target market? Are you making your posts for everyone to see or are you focusing on a specific niche? Are you looking to generate attention from fellow investors or local real estate agents? Before you type a single key, you should have an idea of who your market is. As strong as your social media presence may be, it won’t do you any good without an equally strong website.
A strong social media presence can quickly transform your business virtually overnight. The internet, and social media in particular, has changed the way we grow our business.