5 Tips to Improve and Developed Your Sales Skills

Through my education, I didn’t just develop skills, I didn’t just develop the ability to learn, but I developed confidence. – Michelle Obama
Developed Your Sales Skills
The bottom line is that there is a lot more selling in the real estate business than you may think. Perhaps the biggest characteristic of successful real estate investors is that of a salesperson. Real estate investors wear many hats.
“Personality” – This makes your personality much more likable and increases the chances people will work with you. When most people think of sales they think of the slimy used car salesmen ready to sell them whatever is in the lot. People tend to work with others that they feel are confident can get a job done or personally like. As simple as it sounds people want to work with someone who is nice.
“Preparation” – On the flip side by being prepared you give confidence to whoever you are speaking with that you are the best person for the job. For however long it takes you need to be as prepared as possible in every conceivable situation. It takes a very unique individual to have the ability to think and sound prepared on the fly. It is important to be prepared with every person you come in contact with.
“Motivation” – Whether you are working with a homeowner, bank, attorney, contractor or tenant you need to find out what it is the other party wants out of the transaction. One of the real keys to sales success if discovering the motivation of the other party.
“Balance” – Some salespeople use the full court press method where they smother the other side until they get an answer. By backing off you give the other side a chance to catch their breath and gather their thoughts. As long as you set a specific time and date to follow up you should be fine with letting the other side think for a day.
“Honesty” – If you get caught in a lie you ruin any chances of an immediate sale but even worse word will spread on social media.