4 Investing Principals to Live By

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. — Benjamin Franklin
Investing Principals
Here are four important principals you should consider in your real estate business. The real estate investing business is more than numbers and properties. It’s important to know what kind of investor you are and adhere to the principles of your investing strategies. What kind of investor are you; value, contrarian, growth at a reasonable price, growth, or momentum?
Don’t Dictate by Fear
“I will not let fear dictate my business” – Even when you pass the initial stages of the business there are constant challenges when you will need to face your fears and step out of your comfort zone. The minute you start controlling your fears you will take charge of your business and start having the success you desire.
The Goals
“I am driven by my goals” – Do you know what you want out of the real estate business? You may have gotten thrown in the business after leaving your job or only close a few deals a year. You can still close deals without goals, but you won’t have a long-term business plan. With your goals attach an action plan for how you intend to make it happen. With that you should take some time to write down your personal and professional goals.
Set Priority
“Do most important tasks first” – How is working on the task going to help bring new deals or close the ones you are dealing with? Sometimes doing a task today may not bear fruit for several weeks.
Be a Hitter
“I will not let setbacks get me down” – Real estate investing can be a lot like being a hitter in the major leagues. A 70% failure rate can be difficult to deal with, but you can let those setbacks get you down. Investing in real estate can be trying at times.